Genie Lauren’s Fast Life


Hey, everybody! Genie Lauren, here.
I’m excited to tell you about something I’ve been working on, for the past few months – a blogcast about my ketogenic lifestyle.

Yes, I said, “blogcast.” It’s a blog and a podcast, a blogcast. Get it?

Anyway, for a while, I’ve been concerned about the misinformation swirling around the internet about keto. A lot of it is really annoying. “Keto is just Atkins,” they said. “Keto is unsustainable,” they said. “Doing keto will give you a heart attack,” they said. And, let’s be real, the downers and doubters aren’t the only ones spreading misinformation about a ketogenic life. The way many quote-unquote health influencers focus on macros to the detriment of nutrition is doing real harm, and I would know.

I’ve had the misfortune of going through some physically painful experiences.

But, you don’t have to. I’ve done tons of reading, and listening, and failing, and I am going to put it all in one place, so you can learn from my mistakes. That place is called Genie Lauren’s Fast Life.

The blogcast airs once a week, and you can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or directly through your RSS feed.

You’ll also be able to find resources referenced on the show on I’m hoping to make as much information available and accessible to as many people as possible.

And, lastly, if you want to support the show, you can become a patron by going to Patrons will have access to monthly keto recipes, be able to request a topic to be covered on the show, and even receive personal coaching from me, Genie Lauren. I’m making it my mission to help more people reach keto-adaptation without experiencing keto flu. . . and, while we’re at it, keto breath, too.

Sound good to you? Join me and other keto enthusiasts, every week, on Mondays, for Genie Lauren’s Fast Life. See you then.